40 Tips for Women Over 40 Starting Strength Training
Mar 31, 2021
- Just start. Don't wait for a better time. It'll never be ideal, so start today.
- Don't let the idea of lifting weights intimidate you.
- Dream big! You have some much potential.
- Don’t compare yourself to 20-something (or anyone else for that matter).
- Stay more hydrated than you think you need to be. It helps with soreness and recovery.
- Form. Form. Form. Really learn the mechanics of good form to maximize the muscle growth and reduce the potential of injury.
- Mobility, mobility, mobility. Taking time to stretch keeps you loose and lifting longer.
- Find enjoyment in being strong and capable.
- Take your calcium and glucosamine.
- Don’t doubt what your body can do.
- Don’t quit. .
- Get a trainer/coach to learn proper movement.
- Be consistent.
- Track your progress. Being able to see how far you've come is a great motivator on bad days.
- You CAN do it. Don't worry about what anyone else is doing. You do YOU!
- Ignore the media and society about the stereotypes of how women should age. They are wrong!
- If you feel uncomfortable starting in a gym, start a home.
- Never give up.
- Celebrate your small accomplishments. You earned it.
- Three or four days a week is plenty.
- Find a community of likeminded women. Their support and encouragement can make all the difference in success.
- Get good sleep. Sleep aids in recovery.
- Set small goals for yourself to reach. Once you accomplish it, set a new goal.
- Grant yourself forgiveness if you're not where you think you should be or making progress fast enough.
- You don't need fancy equipment. Body movements, such as air squats, push ups, sit ups, etc. are a great strengthen workout.
- Self talk matters. Don't let your mind trick your body in believing you CAN'T do something.
- Love yourself and learn to love the process.
- Start slow and light. Start adding weight later.
- People in the gym really aren't looking at you. They're too worried about how they look to being looking at you.
- Learn about how peri-menopause and menopause affects training and diet.
- It's never too late. Your bones and muscles will improve at any age. You can reverse osteoporosis with proper strength training.
- Eat properly to keep fuel your new muscles.
- Don't limit your thinking based on your age.
- Listen to your body.
- You don't need to spend a lot of money. There are unlimited movements you can do with some inexpensive bands that build muscle.
- Aim to normalize strength training for women.
- Don't skip warmups and accessories. It's key to injury prevention.
- Your daughters, granddaughters, nieces, and other younger females are watching you. Show them that aging doesn't mean you have to become feeble and immobile. Teach them they can be strong too.
- Remember you are stronger than everyone who is home sitting on the couch.
- Have fun!
Last tip is to wear Old Lady Gains apparel to workout in. Show off and show others that you take pride in being a Master Female athlete!
(Erika Scyphers 2018 Weightlifting Master's World Champion)