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Meet Robbie Moyles

How old are you?

54 in May. 


How much weight have you lost?

I’ve about 60-70 pounds. Discovering that the number on the scales weren't as important as how I felt and body composition.  That took a lot of DEPROGRAMMING.  

How old where you when you decided to start working out?

I was very athletic as a child, always gravitated towards sports. As an adult, I recommitted to my health at 43. I had ended an abusive relationship and was 60+ pounds overweight, full on menopause, and a mountain of issues directly related to chronic neglect.

What happened when you finally thought I need to make a change?

I had a "Come to Jesus" moment when I was falling apart in my early 40's.  Several things lead up to this awakening. My best friend passed away, menopause, and discovering a lump in my breast. When the surgeon gave me permission to start exercising, a friend suggested I try CrossFit. The rest is 

Tell me about your very first workout?

Karen (for those non-CrossFitters this is 150 wall balls for time). OMFG. I only made it to 75 reps (stopped after about 20 minutes ) and Coach Alex said ENOUGH!!! LOL. That first workout nearly killed me and I was sore for a few days but despite that I loved the challenge.  Couldn't wait to get back in the gym.  My Karen time now is under 7 minutes. 

What’s your favorite CrossFit movement and why?

I really love them all.  Everything has been challenging for me.  Right from Day 1, I dedicate 2-3 hours per day to train because I now have the time to commit. This is one of the best thing about being semi retired.  

You own multiple businesses, how do you find time in your day to workout 

Yes, I do own several business and that's been a blessing and a curse. I neglected myself for so many years, which ultimately became the reason to start looking after myself. I commit to prioritizing my days around working out. This means I get up extra early and train.  I do it cause I love it.  

What is your most vivid memory during your fitness journey?

There are so many pivotal moments. The journey has been quite fascinating.  I've met a lot of interesting people who prioritize their lives and make the best of it.  I feel tremendous gratitude to be able to have a second chance at being the best version of myself.  It's amazing how quickly we can create a new life, simply by taking care of ourselves. The smallest trajectory usually has the biggest impact in the long run. 

How has your fitness journey affected your daily lifestyle?

The ability to wake up and know I have a second chance.  We have second chances the moment we wake up each day.  My life has had many twists and turns with many tragic events out of the gate. Despite the sadness, shame, guilt that I chose to carry for far too many years, I realized that the solution was in action.  That's exactly why CrossFit has had such a positive impact on me over the last 9 years. It has allowed me to channel the darkness into light. I am forever grateful to be able to have the privilege to get up every morning for that second chance.

It took a few years for me to figure out that nutrition needed to be a part of the journey, at what point did you realize it had to play a role in your own journey?

It's like taking 3 steps forward, 10 back.  Eventually with diligence, I figured out what works best for me, that's more or less a Ketogenic lifestyle. 

What keeps you going when life gets rough?

Knowing this ....the 4 stages .... 1-Unconscious incompetent. 2-Unconscious competent. 3-Conscious competent. 4-Unconscious competent. 

This is one of my favorite reminders!   Im somewhere between 3-4.  

What is your favorite part fitness in general?

The friends, the lessons, the value in good health, resilience, discipline. So many lessons, so little time.  

What have you learned about yourself through this journey?

Everything that I had forgotten because my perception on priorities were backwards. Fitness is like a relationship. It takes work.   

What would you change with how women approach exercise if you could?

It's never too late to start.  

In your own words, what’s an athlete?

If you have a body, then you are an athlete.  it's as simple as that. 

What advice do you have for other females over 35 looking to get started?  

Don't settle.  There's always room to improve.



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