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There Is No Normal When It Comes to Aging

There Is No Normal When It Comes to Aging

Recently, while rummaging through my closet for jeans that still fit, I had a moment of reflection. Another birthday was approaching, and I couldn’t help but think about how aging has changed the way I see myself and the world. The wrinkles, the grays, the laugh lines—all markers of a life well-lived, but also reminders that I’m not 25 anymore. And you know what? That’s perfectly okay.

Aging, especially for women, often feels like navigating a maze with constantly shifting walls. One day you’re rocking it at the gym, and the next you’re googling “best night creams for fine lines” at 2 a.m. Society loves to throw out images of what aging should look like, but let’s be real: there is no normal when it comes to aging. We’re all in this together, yet each of us is on our own unique journey.

I remember when I first started Old Lady Gains at 45 with zero experience in business. The idea of stepping into the entrepreneurial world at that age felt daunting. But here’s the thing: there’s no rulebook that says you can’t start something new, something bold, at any age. In fact, many of the women I admire most have accomplished incredible things later in life. They’ve shattered stereotypes and rewritten the script on what it means to age.

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It’s not just about physical changes, though they’re a part of it. Aging is as much about the mental and emotional shifts. I’ve found myself valuing different things: the quiet moments with a cup of coffee, the deep belly laughs with old friends, the sense of accomplishment after a tough workout. These moments might not fit the Instagram-worthy mold, but they’re real, and they’re mine.

For many of us, the 40s and 50s bring a shift in priorities. We’re often balancing careers, family, and the pursuit of passions we might have put on hold. It’s a time when we start to see the world, and ourselves, differently. There’s a certain power in that perspective, in embracing who we are without the pressure to conform to outdated standards.

I’ve met so many incredible women through Old Lady Gains who are redefining what it means to age. They’re athletes, entrepreneurs, artists, and everything in between. They’ve faced challenges and triumphs, and they’ve come out stronger. Their stories inspire me every day to keep pushing, to keep growing, to keep defying expectations.

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that aging is not a one-size-fits-all journey. Some of us might slow down, while others pick up new hobbies or careers. Some embrace their natural hair color, while others rock vibrant dyes. There’s no right or wrong way to age—there’s just your way.

So, let’s celebrate the diversity of our experiences. Let’s honor the wrinkles as badges of wisdom, the gray hairs as strands of experience, and the laugh lines as maps of joy. Let’s support each other in this journey, recognizing that each of us is writing our own story, one day at a time.

To all the women out there wondering if they’re doing this aging thing right, here’s a little secret: you are. There is no normal. There’s only you, living your life, embracing your journey, and redefining what it means to grow older. And if anyone tells you otherwise, just smile and keep blazing your trail.

Because if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s this: aging is a privilege, and we get to decide how we want to do it.

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